(Or, actually, Four Things
Friday. But time wasn't enough to post then)

I want to get our balcony to resemble something of a Mexican bar, Christmas season or not (meaning the lights will most likely stay all-year round). Might have to change these though into som other kind of lights, as there is too much chord and too few lights in order for the lamps to hang nicely.

I went to the post office to pick up some Vivien of Holloway goodies! One of the items came in the wrong colour though, and I was too f.. curvy for another so I'll have to return those and wait - I hate waiting- for the right ones to arrive. Gnah. Perhaps I go to the post office too otfen btw; one of the workers handed my parcel over to the desk clerk as soon as she saw me, before I had even opened my mouth.

Exciting; received my first letter from the little boy I sponsor in India! You know, I do put my money on other things than clothes and home decor too. But they do not get to show here that much...

Rolled my hair into faux bangs (before going to perfprm at the shittiest show of the year). Haven't had my hair like this forever! And yes, I know a lot have been asking for more hair tutorials - let's see what I can come up with :)