There are many reasons why I am currently in love with braids. Its mainly the fact that you can wear them in so many different ways and that each style looks fresh, feminine and oh so effortless.
I will let the photos do the talking though:

Kate in her super cute plaits and daisy chains

We Heart It (I am addicted to this sight. Especially now they have sorted themselves out and improved the layout!)

Another We Heart It find

The beautiful Chloe Sevigny, love her bohemian style plaits.
We Heart It once again- If anyone knows the original sources though let me know!
A brilliant illustration from the artist Elisabeth Moch
Fashion Toast's simple yet cool plait

Braid beauty special in Bogue Taiwan, this hair do is awesome!

And of course they were also seen on the runways- Luella AW 09 had Pippi Longstocking style hyper plaits

Whereas Alexander Wang's spring summer 2010 ready to wear had loose, relaxed and breezy braids

The lovely Karlie Kloss backstage at A Wang.
I hope you have found these images as inspiring as I do...
B xx