Well, anyway; thank you for all the nice coments on my previous post. As I now read my text afterwards I see it may sound a little defensive, which it wasn't ment to be, since no one should have to defend their style; it was rather just thoughs - and some minor ranting perhaps- in general. And neither am I offended of what people may say on the internet when it comes to issues like that, even though I might raise an eyebrow or two and wonder what the hell is wrong with people... But thanks anyway! You are all so nice.
And then it's time for the answers to the rest of the questions:
Where you've taken your tattos and are all of them your own design?
- I've taken most of them at Legacy Tattoo and those are made by Sailor Andy.. I've designed all of them myself, some are my exact drawing line by line while others are slightly modified to suit the skin better. My meraid is hand made (with a bamboo stick) in Thailand.That's also the one that looks the least like my drawing...
What are the names of your cats? They are gorgeous! I love cats and pics about those two makes my day.
- Pekka and Lulu! Pekka is the fat one and Lulu is the tiny one. They're brother and sister. I'll make your day somaday soon again and put some more cat pics then:)
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do they look like you?
- I have two younger sisters, 25 and 22 years old. We all look pretty different. The older of them works in the harbour with me and a some people there think we look the same and mix us up. (Like a stevedor guy she once dated. It was cold and we wore wearing caps outside. He drove up to me and said "I haven't heard from you laely but I guess that's ok since you haven't heard from me either" I looked up and told him he should propably talk directly to her. He kept his calm and said that yeah, he will, drove away. And then he avoided me for some weeks afterwards :D)
Are you that blond by nature and what hair products do you use?
- No, not this blond. RIght now I'm not sure what my real colour would be. It was quite chocolate brown when I was small, then went lighter into a, now that I think about it, rather nice toffee-like colour. I had a spiral perm for years which dried my hair out and turned real light in summer, so I started bleaching it due to that, as it grew out darker in fall and looked bleached anyway :) I use silver schampoo and conditioner every now and then, otherwise a lot of salon products for chemically treated hair. I have a lot of hair and it's all dry so a bottle of conditioner or leav-in blam doesn't last long.
I don't have a question but a request, would you like to post some pictures of your wardrobe?
- I was actually asked to do so by a fashionsite, to participate in their article series about wardrobes last year but didn't have the time. I might do so later this autumn perhaps!
The same request to post a picture with your boyfriend, but I would totally understand if you don't want it.
- Well something might show up here at some point...