I do this every year.
My wardrobe is still not that much more functional than it was last year and will never be perfect (although it is very nice).
I mean how could I possibly claim that the Trashy Diva leopard mid season jacket I just ordered serves any important function to me living in a country when such jackets can be worn about four months a year divided in two month-periods? When I already have as many mid-season jackets as there are weeks per mid season (sort of)? That I had any important reason to buy it? Time to admit: I may get annoyed on the fact that it is considered normal to just buy buy and buy for the fun of it,to get something new every month (or week!), regardless weather it is vintage or brand new (I'm not thinking in terms of ecology or such, but in material). But I do it myself. A lot. Hehe.
So cut the crap, I need a pinafore skirt.

Vivien of Holloway or Nudeedudee?