In Kreuzerg. I've always stayed in Kreuzberg when in Berlin, since my friends live there.

Dinner at Izu's place. She moved to Berlin a couple of years ago. She's a painter and just had her first solo exhibition over there, still running for a couple of days from now. (

Getting blurry at
Maria Pelegro later on.

Vegan burgers for breakfast the day after. (

This litte birdie ate out of my hand. I know some find that disgusting but I find it cute.

And look! I was actually wearing flats. Hell might have frozen over a little bit or so...

Hiding from the rain, Kreutzberg edition. (

In Prenzlauer Berg.

Waffles at
Kauf Dich Glücklih. There are two of them, one on Oderberger Str. and another on Kastanien Allee. You can shop at the later one too.

Hiding from the rain, Prenzlauer Berg edition.

Hell froze over again! Eddi actually did more shopping than I! (Well, I actually did none the first days so he didn't really go that bazookas either.)

Back in Kreutzberg.