Source- We Heart ItI have created a list of things I want to achieve this summer and as I cross them off my list I am going to blog about them along the way. Keep reading to see my:
(you're loving the dramatic large title right?)1. Cook a 3 course meal. (I have chosen this one because I never really cook anything apart from the occasional dish of pasta and my Dad even insists that that is just "heating stuff up, not proper cooking." So I am going to stretch my non existent cooking ability, pour over the Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Delia Smith and Gordon Ramsey hard backs that are in my humble kitchen and cook a meal for my family. Wish me luck. This will be the hardest. I ain't no Julie or Julia (you should really see this film is you haven't already by the way, just for the hilarity of Meryl Streep who acts Julia Child as a constantly drunken French woman)
2. Learn one of my Grade 6 piano pieces. (I need to get going if my exam is in December)
3. Watch loads of inspiring film sand write a review for every single one I see.(SUGGESTIONS PLEASE?)
4. Read loads of inspiring books and write a review for every one I read (DITTO?)
5. Take loads of photographs with my trusty Canon 1000D and get myself back onto Flickr.
6. Go to London and get my summer wardrobe sorted. (So this one isn't exactly Nobel prize winning or even technically challenging but I have been working hard, I need a break, OKAY?)
7. Have a proper conversation with a French person when I go to France (NOTE TO SELF: THIS EXCLUDES SIMPLY SAYING "BONJOUR" OR "J'VOUDRAIS....." A PROPER CONVERSATION)
8. Get an article I have written published in a newspaper/magazine. (I always wanted to be a writer when I was older and now I am liking the sound of going into journalism so this would be an amazing first step to getting my name published in the Guardian- the ultimate dream)
9. Write a short story. Or a short film. Or a poem. Or an article. Just write something good really. 10. Get a job. (This probably is one of the most important things on the list although maybe not the funnest. My dream job would be to work behind the scenes on Glee-
anyone make this happen,
pretty please?)
11. Read a Shakespeare play. (I am thinking about being a proper nerd and reading all the books that are on the reading list for AS Level English Literature and Language early. Romeo and Juliet is one of them. I'm so going to get on this.)
12. Get my National Life Guard Award. (I told you that I was doing this a while back, can't wait to do it and then teach people how to swim.)
13. Get my exam results back. (And hopefully do well.)
I don't want to leave this list at 13, seeing as it's an unlucky number and all that but I can't think of anymore to add for now so I will just leave it at that.
So follow my blog if you want- I pinky promise it's really easy and
I'll love you forever and ever- and join me as I try and accomplish all of them and cross them off the list.
Oh and if any of you have suggestions for challenges then feel free to tweet me
here, or write it as a comment.
Wish me luck on my challenges!
Muchos love,
Beth Ruby xoxo