Fashion moves so fast, it's hard to keep up seeing as the world is always a season ahead.
But now it's finally Spring, I feel like I can appreciate the Spring Summer 2010 collections a lot more; I need inspiration for a new season wardrobe and as the sun is shining it no longer seems ridiculous to be looking at summer dresses when it snowing outside, in the middle of winter.
Especially the Christopher Kane collection. He is my favourite designer, so I was always going to fall in love with it, but I mean really, it's beautiful isn't it?
Especially the Christopher Kane collection. He is my favourite designer, so I was always going to fall in love with it, but I mean really, it's beautiful isn't it?
Vogue called his collection "pretty yet perverted" and you only need to take one look at the collection to realise this is spot on.
The checkered picnic table style pastel dresses conjured up an image of a sickly sweet school girl, like Anne of Green Gables, striding across the fields. But then you notice the flashes of bare flesh through the panelling and the thigh high slits and realise that this Anne may have a sexy side.

My favourite look was this yellow checkered dress with the navy cardigan (above)
It conjures up images of my childhood, as these were the colours of my school uniform at primary school.
It's actually pretty similar to the little gingham summer dresses and the navy woolly jumpers we used to wear- except of course I didn't have the lovely strappy heels.
So take that Kane, I was one step ahead of you!
Just call me your new fashion muse and I won't sue you for copyright.
The checkered picnic table style pastel dresses conjured up an image of a sickly sweet school girl, like Anne of Green Gables, striding across the fields. But then you notice the flashes of bare flesh through the panelling and the thigh high slits and realise that this Anne may have a sexy side.

My favourite look was this yellow checkered dress with the navy cardigan (above)
It conjures up images of my childhood, as these were the colours of my school uniform at primary school.
It's actually pretty similar to the little gingham summer dresses and the navy woolly jumpers we used to wear- except of course I didn't have the lovely strappy heels.
So take that Kane, I was one step ahead of you!
Just call me your new fashion muse and I won't sue you for copyright.
Beth Ruby xoxo