Minna Parikka's S/S 2010 can be wieved at her new site. I'm not going totally banans over the collection (or the ultra skinny model featuring it) but I wouldn't say no to this little overall for example, or to some of the cardigans in the collection (not to mention the Stocking Heels...)
Some of the knitwear from the past collection are on sale and I'm considering to get myself a salorish cardigan for more than half of the price it was. So far only considering, as it even at some 60% off is rather costy. But Sunday evenings, especially after a long day at work, has the dangerous ability of putting things slightly out of proportion (economically) - and perspective(economically) though, as well as listing things in a different line of importance... It usually end in the same way (which is: I buy).