Today I crawled out of bed to go to my father's birthday lunch and now I'm making myself ready to go and perform at Club Wanted, as well as to check out the bands and our guest star for the night; Mimi de Frou Frou.
I'm being smart and bit lazy in the same time and will wear the same dress for both occasions, only change to darker lips, lighter stockings and red heels and let the locks out for the evening. I had my hair pin curled under the beret the wole day so I'm about to open up some huge locks now. (I figured a beret works better to wear to a restaurant than the scarf I normally roll around my head to keep my curls in place. I wear a beret that's big and loose enough to fit standing pin curls on the top of the head, although they do get a bit flat of course :)
My cherry dress is as comfy as it's lovely and it's from Big Beautiful Barbara Brown.