(That's me quoting the wisdom of my friend and burlesque gal Jackie O's new superb tattoo).
But yeah life is full of stuff and here's what's up for the moment :

* I received some of the stuff I've ordered lately. Stuff makes me very happy in many ways. (Not all ways possible, but many.) Ordering online makes me guilty and excited at the same time and picking up the stuff makes me ridiculously happy; it brightens up rainy days or hectic on-the-verge-of-a-burnout periods.

* Yours truly gave her harbor boys a laugh some time ago by answering the question of "what to do when you're underdressed" (my first answer being that I, of course, never am underdressed for any occasion...) by phone to a reporter, while wearing yellow safety clothing, heavy boots, trailer grease from the knees up and dirt from the knees down, loading a ship. The related photoshoot was fun and taken some weeks earlier. (I look like I'm about to eat you and anyone else opening the mag at that spread).

* This sea of sequins, pearls and satin ribbon will turn into yet another burlesque outfit of mine which will premiere on Saturday. Fanicest fabric I've ever bought (I better do that number
a lot now). That and a whole lot more can be seen at the
L-World party at DTM. (And yes I know, most of you don't live around here and won't make it but I'm going to wear this outfit-to -be on a photoshoot coming up soon so this time there will be pics!)