The nose is running, the head is aching and the tissues are out.
But it is my best friend's birthday party later and I am determined to feel better by then.
So I am listening to one of my ultimate feel good songs (but nothing beats James Brown’s “I feel good”) and looking at pretty pictures on my favourite blogs to make me feel better.
Here are some of my favourite images, on newly found and loved website http://www.thestreethearts.com/ a street style website from Oslo by photographers Andreas Schjønhaug and Eirik Slyngstad. I think that it has an edge over the Sartorialist (at http://www.thesartorialist.blogspot.com/ ) because it tells you where all the items of clothing are from. Also quite a lot are bought in high street shops which is a nice change as it stops me from lusting over clothes and shoes I know I can't afford, which is a frequent occurrence on Scott's blog.