Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Halloween Make-Up 2008
I promise this is the LAST Halloween post I'm going to do this year. In case any of you still have not thought of what you want to be , I thought I'd give you one last idea- just go with the crazy make-up. People would be so busy admiring your eyes that they won't have time to care about the rest of your outfit!
Besides Galliano, my two other favourite crazy make-up looks are from Dior (left) and the Lacroix haute couture (right) show. Both redefines the upper and lower part of the eyes making their eyes look HUGE. They are in essence however, the opposite of each other. While Dior uses a sharp white base, Lacroix uses a smokey black base. Either way, I'm loving both of them. Go for the Dior look if you want to look feline and the Lacroix look for something a bit darker.
A bit more subtly, we have the smokey eyes of the Chanel haute couture (left) and the Balenciaga (right) show. Just go heavy with the eye liner and the smudging. If you do have a costume, these would be more subtle looks for you. You don't want to take away too much from the outfit now do you?
And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!
Happy Halloween everyone!
Image Source:

And as for some simple DIY ideas: You can be forks/knives/spoon with alumninium, a piece of steak and ketchup/mustard to go with that. You can be Tetris pieces. Pacman and the ghost. Or a Twister board- just wear white and stick colored dots on yourself and carry the spinning thing!
Happy Halloween everyone!
Image Source:
Today I had to crawl out of bed and dig out my winterjacket to go see the doctor (have another appointement on Friday and I think I'll be well soon. There are few things some pills won't fix) and also to get to an appointemnt with a client. Sometimes when you feel really awful (and your hair is very dirty) it's a bit hard to dress up, especially in this case when I really had to look proper (since the customer was a bit sceptic about me at first, whatthehell, but they did love my job now. Of course. They always do in the end). I've also ben stuffing myself with food the past days so anything thight was out of the question because I really wanted to feel comfy.
An outfit both comfy and chic is not always the easiest to achieve but since I did pretty good in the end I thought I'd snap a picture of it once I was at it.

Except for that you can't really see any of it in this picture.
But now you can (yeah haha funny enough).

Blouse & Bolero - old H&M
Skirt - selfmade
Shoes - Minna Parikka
More about 'Doctors': I was browsing through some pianopieces I like on youtube and found this darling video (it's sort of a music video from the twenties :) I like it when the toys come alive). I used to play the classical piano for more than fifteen years in the Music Institute and this was one of my favourite pieces to play ( I really enjoy most of Debussy); Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum. I prefer it played just slightly slower though.
(The suite has six pieces but only three were filmed. If you search "Children's Suite" and "Cortot" on youtube you can see the other two videos made.
Do it!)
An outfit both comfy and chic is not always the easiest to achieve but since I did pretty good in the end I thought I'd snap a picture of it once I was at it.

Except for that you can't really see any of it in this picture.
But now you can (yeah haha funny enough).

Skirt - selfmade
Shoes - Minna Parikka
More about 'Doctors': I was browsing through some pianopieces I like on youtube and found this darling video (it's sort of a music video from the twenties :) I like it when the toys come alive). I used to play the classical piano for more than fifteen years in the Music Institute and this was one of my favourite pieces to play ( I really enjoy most of Debussy); Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum. I prefer it played just slightly slower though.
(The suite has six pieces but only three were filmed. If you search "Children's Suite" and "Cortot" on youtube you can see the other two videos made.
Do it!)
Halloween- The Galliano Way
On the topic of Halloween, we must not forget our favourite showman of all, John Galliano. When it comes to putting on a great statement, there is no one quite like him. Going through his FW08 runway, I've pegged the drama down to two elements: crazy hatwear/hair and crazy make-up.
So maybe there is no rationale behind most of these, but hey, it's time to be creative!
This could be the dead sea captain perhaps?
The show girl.
And check out the amazing, vibrant make-up! Talk about drama.
Not sure about the lump on her head (looks a bit like a tumor), but am loving the gold spikes!
Image Source:

Image Source:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Halloween on the Streets 2008
Runway inspiration is all good and well, but besides the Prada lace-y vamp look, the rest are not exactly easily achievable. So I did a more generic brainstorm and came up with this:
Has anyone seen that movie recently, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People"? In it, Kirstin Dunst goes to a costume party and dresses up as a 20s flapper girl (though I think she had a specific flapper girl in mind since the theme was "Favourite Dead People"), looking awesome in a black bob, long cigarette, red lipsticks and slinky black dress.
That was when it clicked! I want to be a flapper girl this Halloween! It won't even be that hard. All I need to get is a black bob wig, a long cigarette holder and a black slinky dress and then put on pale foundation, smokey eyes and hot red lipsticks- viola, flapper girl!
I even know exactly which dress I'd buy too. This FCUK fringe dress is perfect. I can even wear it again for a night out (even though it is not exactly my usual style...)! But still, I love the idea that I won't be wasting too much money on a cheap looking costume I'd only get to wear once. I actually went into a real costume store my first time today and I must say, I was not impressed. The costume outfits for women typically look cheap and skanky. And I'm not about to fork out $50USD to look cheap and skanky.
Has anyone seen that movie recently, "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People"? In it, Kirstin Dunst goes to a costume party and dresses up as a 20s flapper girl (though I think she had a specific flapper girl in mind since the theme was "Favourite Dead People"), looking awesome in a black bob, long cigarette, red lipsticks and slinky black dress.

I also looked at the fangs. I thought, worse case scenario, I can just dress in all black, wear pale foundation and red lipsticks and with the fangs, I can be a vampire. A nice easy Halloween costume. But then I looked at the packaging and got slightly weirded out. "Molding" plastic stuff into my mouth and in between my teeth- that is NOT prescribed by my orthodontist- just goes against my natural instincts. What if it screws up all the good work my orth spent many years achieving? I thought fangs were just stuck on... I guess not.
So in the end, I walked out with a black bob wig and a reaper rake. The bob because I've always wanted one and it'll go with the flapper look (though this one is not exactly my ideal one cause it has random silver streaks in it...but whatever) and grim reaper's rake, just because it's fun to wave around a reaper rake at people. I know, completely random. I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do with them....but I guess I'll figure it out in the next three days!
Halloween on the Runway 2008
It's that time of the year again where we get to dress up in whatever crazy outfit we desire. And what better place than the runway to look for fun, creative, refreshing and fashionable ideas?

Image Source:
Sunday, October 26, 2008

25 meters of lace, 15 meters of silk ribbon, pins and needels and my cats thinking I'm about to play with them every time I lift a ribbon up to cut it... I've been sewing so much today I think my eyes have turned into sewing pins. It takes a long time to sew outfits for five girls, but when they are done, they will be great! So be sure to ocme see the burlesque show at Wäiski November 9th!
Thank you all for the getting better-wishes, but I'm still a bit ill I'm afraid. My head can't really take too much of the computer screen , which is bad since I do have some jobs waiting for me. And which also means lousy updating and no blog browsing either. Oh well, I'll be back in full glory eventually then.
Hope you'll all have a great week!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Well... I bought he car, went on one date and managed to fix one bank paper issue, then I got really sick so the rest of the week has been spent under my bedcover listening to Classic FM. That would be rather comfy unless I wouldn't, well, feel ill and think of all the things that are now left undone...

Skirt - Miss60, Shoes - 67You, Jacket- Vintage
Bag - from a market in Thailand
Laptop sleeve - Golla
Before I got sick I still managed to pop by a press occasion at Golla, which is a Finnish brand growing quite a lot around the world. In their words, they combine fashion with portable electronics; making colourful bags with graphic prints for mp3 players, digital cameras and laptops. Now, I would personally just prefer the basic black leather sleeve for my mac but I know ther are many of you that wouldn't and then it's of course great to have options!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Canada Goose

Bag - from a market in Thailand
Laptop sleeve - Golla
Before I got sick I still managed to pop by a press occasion at Golla, which is a Finnish brand growing quite a lot around the world. In their words, they combine fashion with portable electronics; making colourful bags with graphic prints for mp3 players, digital cameras and laptops. Now, I would personally just prefer the basic black leather sleeve for my mac but I know ther are many of you that wouldn't and then it's of course great to have options!
Canada Goose
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ctrl BG: A Shortcut to Financial News 10/24
Is it just me, or is it not even news anymore that there was a huge drop/rally in the market on a given day? Now that we've broken all the records in the last century, it's hard to be fazed by big swings in the market. I think my next threshold is if (or is it when?) the Dow hits the 7000s.
But anyway, the global market went on another roller coaster ride this week, ending with a big drop on Friday. Asia in particular took a big hit. On the Hong Kong stock exchange, HSBC, the darling of all stocks there, fell by 10% to $88, a 4 year low. I personally could not remember HSBC being below $100.... ever. People are shocked and heartbroken. I don't blame them. The HSBC stock to HK investors is like how Louis Vuittons is to Japanese women- everyone owns at least one or aspires to own one. To see the value of such an entrenched brand go down must be a very traumatizing experience indeed. Who knew that Morgan Stanley slashing the price by 25%, would have such a profound effect?
Back to the rest of the world, developed and emerging markets alike are hit due to slumping currencies and higher financing cost. ING is is latest "big gun" to be bailed out with a $13.5 billion Dutch government injection. And countries such as Iceland, Pakistan and Turkey are in talks with the IMF for help.
In the US, experts have placed the blame on hedge fund of funds. Since investors can pull money out of hedge fund of funds anytime they want i.e. now, this has in turn put pressure on hedge funds to pull out of the market and thus the crazy selling and shorting to cover losses. The mounting layoffs *yikes!* (Goldman announced they were cutting back 10% of their workforce-less than I expected!), speculations about whether we're in a recession or not (do we really need anymore proof?), Greenspan admitting to be "partially wrong" and bad company earnings report coming out didn't help. Oh and PNC just announced that they were taking over National City for $5.2 billion (backed by tax payers). This is the next big bank takeover since Wachovia two weeks ago. Investors are now waiting to see if the Fed will further lower interest rates next Wednesday and whether the US economy is indeed in a recession with the GDP data coming out next Thursday.
It's not a completely gloomy outlook though. Asian countries, following Europe, are starting to form their own $80 billion emergency fund- better safe than sorry. The US are working on another stimulating package and a plan to bailout individual home owners, so then they can get better termed loans. Call me a selfish hypocrite, but while I'm all for bailing out banks because it affects me, I'm not sure how I feel about bailing out individuals. Makes me think, "if I knew the government was going to bail them out, maybe I should've gone and bought a house I clearly cannot afford too!" Logically though, I know helping them would help the economy as a whole, since foreclosure is one of the biggest issues. Guess I'll get around to the idea.
On a side note, did you know that the $250 billion capital injection into banks last week is not part of the $700 billion package? I wasn't sure myself until this week. How come they need approval for $700 billion and not $250 billion? $250 billion is still a LOT of money.
But anyway, the global market went on another roller coaster ride this week, ending with a big drop on Friday. Asia in particular took a big hit. On the Hong Kong stock exchange, HSBC, the darling of all stocks there, fell by 10% to $88, a 4 year low. I personally could not remember HSBC being below $100.... ever. People are shocked and heartbroken. I don't blame them. The HSBC stock to HK investors is like how Louis Vuittons is to Japanese women- everyone owns at least one or aspires to own one. To see the value of such an entrenched brand go down must be a very traumatizing experience indeed. Who knew that Morgan Stanley slashing the price by 25%, would have such a profound effect?
Back to the rest of the world, developed and emerging markets alike are hit due to slumping currencies and higher financing cost. ING is is latest "big gun" to be bailed out with a $13.5 billion Dutch government injection. And countries such as Iceland, Pakistan and Turkey are in talks with the IMF for help.
In the US, experts have placed the blame on hedge fund of funds. Since investors can pull money out of hedge fund of funds anytime they want i.e. now, this has in turn put pressure on hedge funds to pull out of the market and thus the crazy selling and shorting to cover losses. The mounting layoffs *yikes!* (Goldman announced they were cutting back 10% of their workforce-less than I expected!), speculations about whether we're in a recession or not (do we really need anymore proof?), Greenspan admitting to be "partially wrong" and bad company earnings report coming out didn't help. Oh and PNC just announced that they were taking over National City for $5.2 billion (backed by tax payers). This is the next big bank takeover since Wachovia two weeks ago. Investors are now waiting to see if the Fed will further lower interest rates next Wednesday and whether the US economy is indeed in a recession with the GDP data coming out next Thursday.
It's not a completely gloomy outlook though. Asian countries, following Europe, are starting to form their own $80 billion emergency fund- better safe than sorry. The US are working on another stimulating package and a plan to bailout individual home owners, so then they can get better termed loans. Call me a selfish hypocrite, but while I'm all for bailing out banks because it affects me, I'm not sure how I feel about bailing out individuals. Makes me think, "if I knew the government was going to bail them out, maybe I should've gone and bought a house I clearly cannot afford too!" Logically though, I know helping them would help the economy as a whole, since foreclosure is one of the biggest issues. Guess I'll get around to the idea.
On a side note, did you know that the $250 billion capital injection into banks last week is not part of the $700 billion package? I wasn't sure myself until this week. How come they need approval for $700 billion and not $250 billion? $250 billion is still a LOT of money.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Stop the Fall
I was getting excited about Fall, making a visit to New York and Vermont I started second guessing my move to the West Coast (oh, but wait San Francisco is sort of cold all they time, I can layer up in June if I wanted to.) The layers, the coats, scarves, leg warmers, stockings, I love it all. When I first arrived to start my college years on the East Coast, and after spending my life in the subtropics, I detested the winter. However, with thickened blood, by the end of my four years I actually looked forward to the cold weather - and not to mention Fall fashion...
But HOLD ON a second, back up, back up.

Looking at Celine's Spring/Summer 2009 line made me want Summer again. After going through their entire runway show I don't really care for autumn leaves right now. Give me the Summer - I want to wear all of this! I would happily replace all the dresses in my closet with any of the above. I love the wrapping idea with such a free flowing dress.

Probably not practical for the office unless you worked at Vogue, but if I could go to work wearing this, I definitely would.

I thought the draping of these dresses were beautiful. Perfect for a summery night out on the town? I think so.
I never really paid attention to Celine and now I'm asking myself why. And those shoes! I love those shoes, but let's wait for me to fully express my craze for shoes, that could take up another two...three posts.
Image source:
But HOLD ON a second, back up, back up.
Looking at Celine's Spring/Summer 2009 line made me want Summer again. After going through their entire runway show I don't really care for autumn leaves right now. Give me the Summer - I want to wear all of this! I would happily replace all the dresses in my closet with any of the above. I love the wrapping idea with such a free flowing dress.
Probably not practical for the office unless you worked at Vogue, but if I could go to work wearing this, I definitely would.
I thought the draping of these dresses were beautiful. Perfect for a summery night out on the town? I think so.
I never really paid attention to Celine and now I'm asking myself why. And those shoes! I love those shoes, but let's wait for me to fully express my craze for shoes, that could take up another two...three posts.
Image source:
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Leather Puffer
As you might have read, lately, I've been craving a leather jacket. They are the perfect item to edge up a girly outfit. But since I'm the more easily chilled kind, warmth against the bitter cold is always one of my primary concerns. And so following the puffer trench, I discovered the leather puffer. I wasn't even deliberately looking. I was just randomly browsing at the Intermix store and lo' and behold, I find the leather puffer below:
I thought the concept was awesome, a cool, edgy and WARM leather jacket. The soft gray color also caught my eye. Probably because it has all the qualities of black but is not (although of course they have it in black). But then I tried it on- just for fun. It fits on very snugly (so if you're buying them online, go one size bigger!) but also very stiffly. I know it is probably because of the stuffing, but for a whooping $875, I expected a bit more. The ability to move to begin with. And secondly, better quality leather. I've come across my fair share of leather, and that was not good leather. It was stiff and felt (and looked now that I think about it) plasticky, making it look a bit cheap, which is ridiculous considering the price tag.
I walked out of the store disappointed. Maybe if they cut down the price tag by at least a 1/3. Then maybe it'll be worth considering. Image Source: Intermix Online

I walked out of the store disappointed. Maybe if they cut down the price tag by at least a 1/3. Then maybe it'll be worth considering. Image Source: Intermix Online
Tell me more, more, more
Generally, I never wear makeup because I have sensitive skin (and I'm a lazy bum!). But when I do manage to get around to putting it on, I use all of the above.
Yes, I sort of look like a walking advertisement for Bare Escentuals. I actually just started using the brand a couple of days ago and I'm hooked. Their powder foundation is incredible. It's light, feels and looks as if I've got nothing on, except, all of a sudden I have immaculate skin. Comparable to an airbrush - I swear, it covers everything. If you need more coverage, just press some extra powder on that particular area before you apply it to your entire face. Walah! Instant concealer!
One thing that I am very particular about is mascara. I have really long eye lashes, and I don't want bother with an eyelash curler, clumping, or something that's too heavy. Lancome's L'EXTREME mascara is just right for me because it makes my lashes even longer! It's clean, curls my lashes, doesn't flake, and goes on ever so smoothly.
I got my M.A.C pigment as a gift from a friend. "Naked" is a great colour as it has just the right shimmer, it looks great on the inner corners of the eyes and on the bottom lid along with some liner. For some more drama, you can brush a touch on top of your cheekbones for a night out.
While I pretty much only wear what I just told you, the amount of makeup that I own would make you think otherwise. I own a lot of makeup, most of which I use once every 2 years (I don't think you're even supposed to keep it for that long). Before, I kept it all in multiple makeup bags - very unorganized. Now I keep it one big pouch,thanks to my friend A who has started to make these adorable pouches that she sells on Etsy. Awesome prints, really great quality, and the perfect carrier for all my stuff.
That's what I've got in my bag, what are your essentials?
Image source: Alliebeans, Bare Escentuals, Lancome, M.A.C, The Body Shop, Sephora
Sunday, October 19, 2008

(and the dress is Diesel, bolero HM if someone wants to know)
I'm a busy girl - I think I would need the day to be about 30 hours long, and the week to be three days longer.
Next week I' should be very productive :
-go to work every day
-clean the flat and organize my papers
-sew an outfit (burlesque)
-give an interwiev and have a photoshoot (more burlesque)
-do a couple of mystery shoppings
-buy an old car (getting too cold to bike soon, heh)
-do a boring layout of 60 pages (but it pays ok, need the money for the car)
-go on three dates and one talk (yup I'm a busy girl indeed)
-preferably do some savate, go to yoga class and maybe even pop by the gym
I wonder if it's an option to just stay in all week and watch Twin Peaks and Oz instead?
(...or to do some interneshopping? Maybe you've stumbled upon cocosa already? It's a luxury webshop that will offer special sales of various designer brands for members only. If you're interested there's more info on the site; sign up using the membership code freelancers. The code is valid for ten days!)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Barneys Girl!
So even though I said I'll be away for awhile, I just had to wish BG happy birthday with our traditional birthday post!
First off, a must-have for this season -booties! This lovely pair is by Christian Louboutin (thus obviously only possible for me to send her a pair via a blog post!) Booties are a bit last season and the new twist for the season are the peep-toe booties. But since we're both uncomfortable with peep-toe boots (imagine if it snowed,) this pair would be great!
As BG mentioned in a post a few weeks ago, she's been wanting a white coat. This coat by Mackage Elle is so cute and classic!
The Tudor Silk Dress was the first thing that caught our eye this season at FCUK. We love the folded bits at the top and the way the longer strips would move with the dress (we imagine.) This would be perfect for so many events -just think!
BG's been meaning to get a pair JBrand's Low Rise Cigarette Leg Jeans for awhile. We've heard great things about it and they look perfect to tuck into boots.
And a pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs boots to go with the skinny jeans.
A pair of heels, again by Christian Louboutin (-can't resist!) They look painful to wear, but fierce!
BG is constantly looking into which eye cream to buy next. Dr. Brandt's Lineless Eye Cream sounds good on the Sephora website (as everything does,) but the reviews over at MUA haven't been great. Has anyone tried it? Leave a comment!
Marc by Marc Jacobs had a similar looking dress in gold last year -remember, the one Blair wore in the Thanksgiving episode! Since it turned out to be so popular, the people over at Marc must have realised what a sellable merchandise this style is and made another one this season! Make sure to at least try it on this season, BG! (Although I am worried that it would make one look old -not everyone can carry it off as fabulously as Blair did!)
I would, of course, include a bag from our favourite accessories brand, Miu Miu. Even though I know BG is not into vintage styles, this bag looks very comfortable to carry around and the size looks just right.
BG never gets enough of eye shadow palettes so here's another one. But I don't think she's got a black and white one yet so here's one by Laura Mercier.
The Sprinkles Cupcake Tower is SO cute! It's such a brilliant alternative to the typical birthday cake (though I'm guessing way more expensive.) Make a wish and blow out your candles BG -happy birthday!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
You know why you should always do the "what are you going to wear"-call to your friends before going out?

This is why.
As many things are often about details, wearing the same detail as someone else - even though otherwise dressed rather neutrally - may cause those two people's outfits to look like twins. Nobody pays any attention to the fact that two girls are both dressed all in black, but two girls in black with black-and-white checked shoes may already raise an eyebrow or two...
Well, her shoes are gingham and mine are pepita so that only makes our outfit cousins.
And in the end, we didn't think about it for long because so what.*

Somtimes the way we see similarity, when it come to dressing, can be a bit funny. For example, some people dressed all in black won't really catch your eye (ok, unless they are all victorian goth,death metal fans or so but that's not what I ment), but the same crowd all in red, or say, blue from head to toe will. Actually any other colour than black would certainly be noticed (this of course is not only related to the way we react to clothing but to colours aswell and certainly varies a bit from place to place). Then there's also the aspect of feeling that people following a certain style, different from one's own, tend to look reather alike. (I can only imagine: "You know those girls that like old movies, fleamarkets and stuff and dresses like my grandmother? They all look the same in their skirts, red lips and rolled hair..." :) The way we tend to look at others is an interesting topic but as I always try to keep myself short, I'll just leave it to this.
*) Back in the days on an extempore trip abroad (=no luggage) with J we wanted to go to the baths and did some rapid swimsuit shopping. We found bikinis and retro-cut swim shorts in the wame pattern and the idea of matching gear was hilarious in our hungover minds until we met at the pool. Then it was just really really lame. And we were concious about that for most of the stay.
Pssst. Thank you all for the comments on my previous posts and sorry if I'm not always too quick anwering them...

Well, her shoes are gingham and mine are pepita so that only makes our outfit cousins.
And in the end, we didn't think about it for long because so what.*

Somtimes the way we see similarity, when it come to dressing, can be a bit funny. For example, some people dressed all in black won't really catch your eye (ok, unless they are all victorian goth,death metal fans or so but that's not what I ment), but the same crowd all in red, or say, blue from head to toe will. Actually any other colour than black would certainly be noticed (this of course is not only related to the way we react to clothing but to colours aswell and certainly varies a bit from place to place). Then there's also the aspect of feeling that people following a certain style, different from one's own, tend to look reather alike. (I can only imagine: "You know those girls that like old movies, fleamarkets and stuff and dresses like my grandmother? They all look the same in their skirts, red lips and rolled hair..." :) The way we tend to look at others is an interesting topic but as I always try to keep myself short, I'll just leave it to this.
*) Back in the days on an extempore trip abroad (=no luggage) with J we wanted to go to the baths and did some rapid swimsuit shopping. We found bikinis and retro-cut swim shorts in the wame pattern and the idea of matching gear was hilarious in our hungover minds until we met at the pool. Then it was just really really lame. And we were concious about that for most of the stay.
Pssst. Thank you all for the comments on my previous posts and sorry if I'm not always too quick anwering them...
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