Isn't it so unfair those gold Keds actually look cool with that sort-of-formal outfit (black sequined dress; above left)?
Jessica Biel Danielle Levitt,Brittany Murphy Regie Casagrande,Carmen Electra Eric Robert....
Unfortunately, with this drape neck, nothing looks good over it. If you wear a big coat over it, the drape neck creates a big bulge in your chest area that creates a terribly unflattering silohuette. If you wear it with a blazer or something and let the drape neck hang out, it looks strange. So the only way to wear it really is on its own. But when the weather is warm enough that I feel I can safely walk out with just a sweater on, this cashmere sweater is too warm.
So this style is actually quite a pain and I'm still trying to figure out how to wear it right. Ideas?
Even Eva Longoria- who always looks so chic and elegant- looks cheap wearing this Bebe top on the cover of this month's Cosmopolitan.
So kudos to Bebe's marketing and web design team, and to those in the Bebe design and store concept team- a little revamping is in order.The products have to FIT the image!
Anyways onto today's topic -the white eyeliner. Now I am no expert about makeup so I was always thought white eyeliners weren't that versatile. I thought they were only useful in useful in doing the 60's mod look, as done in the Dior FW05 show. But apparently, there is another way to use it.
Some people (me included) feel that wearing black eyeliner all around the eyes is feels a bit heavy and 'madeup', especially for a daytime look. Recently, I read in a magazine that solved this problem. A great way to wear eyeliner but still achieve a (relatively) natural look is to wear black eyeliner along the top line, and white eye along the bottom line. I think it brightens up your eye area, (plus the magazine claims it widens your eyes.)
Check out how it was done in the Anna Sui SS07 show -Du Juan (above) looks really pretty with this makeup.
So I really wanted to try this look and made the effort to visit 3 Shu Umerura shops just to get this two-ended eyeliner, (one end is white, the other end is pearl,) but it's completely sold out! I'm definitely going to try again when I get back to London and if it's really sold out, I suppose I can try Nars.
So ya, just a little makeup idea for you all to try out!
Photo sources: vogue.co.uk and Shu Uemura
On the catwalk on their clothes, their bags.. . .